Investing in the Future
When Wheel Solutions Group acquired Gateway almost three years ago, we announced the creation of a continuous investment policy focusing on business improvement, in addition to enhancing the health and wellbeing of our employees. The last year in particular, has seen a lot of activity aligned to this. Not only have we invested £27k into a new ventilation and extraction system for our production facility, but we have dedicated a further £5k to new air-fed breathing masks for our workers. Being able to work in conditions with cleaner air is not only improving overall worker health and safety, it is also enhancing wellbeing, and bringing greater positivity to the workplace.
We have ambitious growth plans to continue to expand our business. As part of this strategy, we recognise that we need to continually invest in our products, processes, and our people. That is why we have recently appointed Greg Taylor as our new Group Engineering Director in addition to appointing a dedicated Quality Assurance Engineer to ensure that every chassis that comes off our production line has its own QA check. As we aim to increase production numbers, we are putting in place stringent processes to ensure that quality is improving as consistently as quantity, working towards ISO-9001.